Nothing new under the sun. Alas, everything has already been invented before us. No, I'm not about such minor things as cell phones, nano-technology or completely harmless contraceptives (that would be great, by the way!). I have the basics - the theories, doctrines, axioms, principles. And, alas, to have invented not only all but the best. And, on the other hand - as it makes life easier! After all, in search of truth, you can simply refer to primary sources, that podrevnee.
For example: what is the point, wanting to improve their sexual life, rummaging in women's magazines, or share experiences with the same amateur like you? Surely there must be honored sources: "Kama Sutra", "Branches of the peach", various treatises tantrik and Taoists? Believe me, the authors know what to write. And sometimes the truth were (I mean - unearthly sexual life) is much closer than we are. Let's see what they are wise, enlightened, and, apparently, completely satisfied, offer us.
"Kakovy naclazhdeniya love?
Naclazhdeniya be two souls - ppichinenie and teppenie.
Be two naclazhdeniya pazyma - vlechenie and otdavanie.
Tris naclazhdeniya bodies have - kacanie, tpenie and vcacyvanie.
Tris dopolnyayuschix naclazhdeniya - vkyc, zapax and Color.
( "The branches of peach")
As you can see, the pleasures of the body, with the major, ancient in the East was not considered movement. It all started with touching. Studying Oriental treatises, not difficult to notice that all the "companion" of sex: foreplay, hugging, kissing, fondling - equivalent to the most important congress. They touch you care about, remembered, evoke certain fantasies, desires, awakened thoughts. So, wanting to be one and the best, you need to pay attention to, first of all these aspects.
You know what is "shameful" hug? This is when a girl ppyachet litso nA breasts young men went. A nepoetichno called "Drill Work" means that the girl, clinging to youth, exposes her breasts so that the young man feels its softness, and pressed down, alternating with friction. Imagine that. Now imagine that would feel the youth. Agree, this is where the unusual and exciting, than if you followed the usual advice and started to unbutton his pants, or to report that today at you again, no underwear ...
It seems to me, girl, such a practitioner, it seems very open, trusting, seeking a partner and tender at the same time. All the ancient techniques and suggest that sex, sexual intercourse, foreplay - this is emancipation, love to his body, the body of the partner and what happens between you. There were no grimaces, no, strangely enough, more technical. But there are hugs, called: "pleasure fragrance of flowers", "noonday heat," morning freshness ". However, you need to learn to control her own body: how to pose "a leap of happiness" (a girl with both arms wound around his neck and the boy lying on it) to do without this most possessions?
Incidentally, the arms differ in orientation senses. Bashful hug expresses tenderness, "the work drills" inflames, and "jump" is a passion. And that can be used depending on what you want to express.
In fact, the box also can cuddle! For example, in the Kama Sutra describes dozens of hugs in bed, but the essence of them, comrades, is one - are intertwined and interwoven with each other, lying down or sitting next to a girl and a boy is not just standing still, and the practice of pressing and rubbing, mixing the rhythms and power contact. Would you like to try "yagxanopapagyxava"? I quote: "Ecli vlyublennye, pokoyac nA lozhe nagimi, ppizhimaya pypok to pypky, tpytcya lobkami and minute digits ekctaza Amongst dvizheny and vzdoxov zampyt, cilno ppizhimaya lobok to lobky - That is the obyatie nazyvaetcya" yagxanopapagyxava.
How many types of kisses, you know? So ... simple, French, "cake", "presidents". And you can express a kiss? Here, for example, "stinging" kiss: (again I quote) "the girl gently and shyly sucks his lips and suddenly the young man for a moment, pushed his tongue in his mouth, pretending that she feared a sudden act". A "inflamed", consisting of licking his lips?
But more can and kiss and play. For example, in "yudhu" - should be the first to gently grasp the lower lip with his teeth partner. Or try using language to push out of his mouth language partner and myself take over his mouth.
The body is also worthy of different ways of kisses and caresses. You can kiss his "passion" - is the absorption of delay in his lips and body, so tselyyut coedineniya bedep, hands, plechi, cocki, cvody gpydey, yagoditsy. "Nezhny potselyy" zaklyuchaetcya in ppikocnovenii to tely vzdpagivayuschimi gybami. Thus did tselyyut lob, glaza, cocki gpydey, loktevye cgiby, podkolennye vpadiny. "Tpevozhaschy potselyy" zaklyuchaetcya in tpenii gybami figures: Software tely - Thus did tselyyut yshi, noc, bpovi, zhivot, lobok, vnytpennie povepxnocti bedep, yagoditsy and the main male dignity.
Movement of men are described, of course, very detailed, but today we are talking about women's activism. The only thing that can not quote - this version of frictions. It is always possible to throw an article of its strong half ... So:
"By execution distinguished 15 attacks:
1. Normal, consisting of uniform motion back and forth, not fast and not slow - "swing".
2. "Step". A man commits a movement inside at once, but multiple shocks.
3. Tara. Deep introducing member, a long and passionately makes push at the very limit.
4. "Victory". Deep introducing member, holds it for some time at the limit.
5. "Cock". Introducing a member, rotates them there with the hips.
6. "Men's handshake. Firmly and permanently pressed a member to the side of the vagina.
7. "Pygmy". Introducing the term, two or three times and hitting again pulls.
8. "Tournament". Extracts each time a member of the whole.
9. "The shocks to the side." Introducing member shudders hips right and left.
10. "One-eyed shock. Slowly pulling member and quickly pushed it.
11. "Deception blow. Rapidly pulls out cock and slowly introduce him.
12. "Tired blow. Quickly and slowly starts to kick finishes it.
13. "The blow to the crackdown." Slowly begins to enter and quickly ends.
14. "Bull's blow". In both parties acting covertly, fast and shallow.
15. Elephant attack. In both parties acting deeply and not quick. "
There is a special device that increases the pleasure - "wheel of love". It lies in the fact that the man, moving the body, then lifts one side then the other, as if pushing and turning to the woman.
Now let's all the same to women. First of all, once again turn to the text: "Ecli devyshka DURING cnoshenii lezhit nepodvizhno, ona dolshe cpocobna to igpe, Nr ee telo not polychaet doctatochnogo oblegcheniya. Ppiyatnoe byctpee pepectaet be ppiyatnym, Nr telo oblegchaetcya vpolne, if ye the playing time cnosheniya ona nappyagaet telo and pomogaet yunoshe.
A "strain the body" can be read. You can become ethereal and perform a shrug of the Goddess "- is just a reduction of vaginal muscles. For my own enjoyment in the process of copulation can compress the thigh.
You can perform "rocking the boat" - to move her hips to the right and left. If you do this in a circle, you should know: you are doing "spindle". If you do not mind to finish for today, try to "appeal to the finale" - the movement towards the belly belly boys (and the fact that under the belly).
The simple movement of women - is raising and lowering the hips, it is important that the movement should be consistent with the friction and always be directed against them, to meet the man.
If you want refinement, try to "play the dragon" - during intercourse girl, twisting, rubbing his body on the body of the partner.
Since the transfer at least some of them - a thankless and unnecessary, I chose the neizbityh and, judging from the description, effective.
"Playing in the stream" The girl lies on her back, legs apart and slightly bent knees, a man sits between her legs, puts a member, clutching her feet side.
"Twins" A young man sits, his legs tucked close together, she first sits down at them face to him, and his legs apart, falls back on his feet close together.
"Tyranny" boy and girl lying on her side, she pulls his legs under the thigh with the pressing of the young men, not allowing deeply immersed member that separates the end and inflames lovers.
"Cradle" A girl sits on her lap youth side to him, her feet almost together.
"Swing" A girl lies on her back, the back can be put under the pillow, the boy takes the girl's feet, bends her knees, pressing them to his chest.
"Triangle" The girl lies on her back, the young man becomes the side of the knee. With one hand he promotes the very point of G, the second puts on his stomach - his hand he gently presses on the stomach, and stimulates the clitoris with your fingers.
In conclusion, let me have two quotes, just describe the ratio of old to have sex and, most likely, describes how it can be:
"Dealings in order to satisfy desires differ from the love of pleasure as the poor man's breakfast of the prince's meal.
Skilled in love and noble heart, perform the following: tenderness should precede intercourse and is four times longer than the time of intercourse, intercourse should be four times longer than necessary to meet the desires; weasel should be followed for intercourse and be equal to the time of intercourse. "
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What attracts men to women?
Not so long ago conducted a survey among men, during which the researchers sought to find out what men think a woman attractive. Take into account all: ranging from clothes and finishing with his manner of speaking.
What to wear?
All 100% of male respondents unanimously stated that the high heel - is something that certainly will attract their attention. So, ladies, do not do not refuse me, not them pleasure. Also unanimously adopted and stockings. Turned. Men just love women in stockings. In this case, it is important that the woman did not look vulgar.
70% of men, for example, generally stated that the most attractive women - that women who prefer business style in clothes. Therefore, we should not think that the classic costume - is boring and uninteresting. But the frank views on the neck are divided. V-neck is acceptable only for women whose breasts are not "decorated" with asterisks vascular, pigmented spots and moles. But the high gloves cause delight only 10% of men, all the rest of his shoulders in bewilderment, not knowing that the attractiveness of this item of clothing. With great trepidation and men spoke about the short skirts in the frill, especially if those raise the skirts of every breath of wind. Mikey-alcoholic clearly demand not enjoy. "For" votes with 10% of men.
What to look for?
Most men believed that the most attractive part of the female body are the buttocks. 90% of men voted for it.
It is not that important to this part of the body was such desirable for many women, "90".
In the second place in the ranking of the most attractive parts of the female body, situated chest.
In this case, no man can be a plausible answer, what is it so attractive this part of the body. Yes, and it is important to note that "90" and then play no role.
In third place after standing waist.
Tummy, in the opinion of men who have little "peep" from under the clothes. However, it is important to emphasize that it is "look out" and not "fall out".
All together are welcome and those items of clothing that may emphasize waist, for example, wide belts and corsets. Do not forget the legs.
Beautiful legs, in the opinion of men, no less important than all of the above.
How to behave?
According to a strong half of humanity, a woman should not be simulated modesty and looking away at the slightest attention to his own person. Fixed, causing the eyes, lasting about seven seconds, then slowly appearing on the face of a smile, then, the lids should slow down, again the mysterious throwing a glance as if by chance, and as the completion of the combination - to switch attention to another object - this is exactly what need, in the opinion of men.
On the face of a woman must necessarily play a smile, because it makes it in the eyes of men open, sincere and direct. Remember that even the most notorious "thief" women's hearts, deep down terribly afraid of being rejected.
It is important to listen carefully to a man. Strong half believes that there is nothing better than a woman with enthusiasm is happening story men, nods, asks clarifying questions, etc. Men are very attractive when a woman begins to preen in front of them. 90% of all men surveyed admitted that if these simple actions of women literally lose their heads.
And finally, I must say that all men unanimously stated that the most appealing looks like the woman who sits with her legs crossed.
What to wear?
All 100% of male respondents unanimously stated that the high heel - is something that certainly will attract their attention. So, ladies, do not do not refuse me, not them pleasure. Also unanimously adopted and stockings. Turned. Men just love women in stockings. In this case, it is important that the woman did not look vulgar.
70% of men, for example, generally stated that the most attractive women - that women who prefer business style in clothes. Therefore, we should not think that the classic costume - is boring and uninteresting. But the frank views on the neck are divided. V-neck is acceptable only for women whose breasts are not "decorated" with asterisks vascular, pigmented spots and moles. But the high gloves cause delight only 10% of men, all the rest of his shoulders in bewilderment, not knowing that the attractiveness of this item of clothing. With great trepidation and men spoke about the short skirts in the frill, especially if those raise the skirts of every breath of wind. Mikey-alcoholic clearly demand not enjoy. "For" votes with 10% of men.
What to look for?
Most men believed that the most attractive part of the female body are the buttocks. 90% of men voted for it.
It is not that important to this part of the body was such desirable for many women, "90".
In the second place in the ranking of the most attractive parts of the female body, situated chest.
In this case, no man can be a plausible answer, what is it so attractive this part of the body. Yes, and it is important to note that "90" and then play no role.
In third place after standing waist.
Tummy, in the opinion of men who have little "peep" from under the clothes. However, it is important to emphasize that it is "look out" and not "fall out".
All together are welcome and those items of clothing that may emphasize waist, for example, wide belts and corsets. Do not forget the legs.
Beautiful legs, in the opinion of men, no less important than all of the above.
How to behave?
According to a strong half of humanity, a woman should not be simulated modesty and looking away at the slightest attention to his own person. Fixed, causing the eyes, lasting about seven seconds, then slowly appearing on the face of a smile, then, the lids should slow down, again the mysterious throwing a glance as if by chance, and as the completion of the combination - to switch attention to another object - this is exactly what need, in the opinion of men.
On the face of a woman must necessarily play a smile, because it makes it in the eyes of men open, sincere and direct. Remember that even the most notorious "thief" women's hearts, deep down terribly afraid of being rejected.
It is important to listen carefully to a man. Strong half believes that there is nothing better than a woman with enthusiasm is happening story men, nods, asks clarifying questions, etc. Men are very attractive when a woman begins to preen in front of them. 90% of all men surveyed admitted that if these simple actions of women literally lose their heads.
And finally, I must say that all men unanimously stated that the most appealing looks like the woman who sits with her legs crossed.
Who is friendly with the work, that sex is not needed?
"My wife said that he went to his mistress, his mistress - that to his wife and himself in the attic and work-work" ... Sexologists know: most often lose their libido workaholics and careerists. Why successful people suffer a debacle in bed?
"Any activity inhibits the highly sexy, - says sexologist Sergei Agarkov. - The more complex spiritual world of men, the selective erection. And when the head is stuffed with the imperatives of important issues, blocked the mechanism of sexual feelings. "
It turns out that there was an erection, a man, if I may say so, should a little gaga, reduce critical of myself.
They love: YOU OR PURSE?
By shifting all their time and energy to achieve this goal, a workaholic does not notice how gradually declining attraction to a woman who recently had been so beloved. In an effort to assert itself in the management of other people in the business, creative achievements, the man pushes the intimate life of the second plan.
It would seem that as soon as he receives a painful blow to the service-return to the bedroom to find solace in sex. But here lies in wait and trap. Sexual disorders are often accompanied by acute reaction to stress.
For many young men who made a successful career, there are problems with the level of sex hormones - the stress of responsibilities at work inhibits their production.
Especially difficult, oddly enough, in this sense, people of substance. Their problems were exacerbated original intimofobiya when they think: "They love not me, but my money." There is tension, mistrust, suspicion - and all that suppresses sexual desire.
And above all, sadly, sometimes suspicious about the fact that the favorite will only need their purse, untrue. Workaholic, being by nature a perfectionist, picks up her friend on the basis of whether or not it enough to look impressive next to him - and gets to escort prudent doll. Yes, and how to take the time to find a loving halves, when the interests revolve only around work? This climber is rarely in a circle of friends, where you can find a worthy companion.
TWO TIPS workaholic, How not to fall asleep during sex
1. In order to overcome inappropriate odolevshuyu drowsiness, try a few minutes before sex to actively engage in sports. Even simple exercises will add energy and strength to carry a pair of poses from the Kama Sutra "and will not zahrapet 5 minutes later.
2. Transfer the sex in the morning. In any male sex hormone, and higher energy at dawn.
Sociologists have noticed that recently many young people lose their libido due to incorrect installation received from his childhood: "Your duty - fully secure the future of the family." Lacking the financial capacity to start a career, young men for so long trying to material well-being that they have lost years when we could be happy in marriage. They would listen to the latest and the bitter recognition of the philosopher Kant, who has remained a bachelor: "When I needed a woman, I was not able to feed her, and when unable to feed her, she was not needed ...
Workaholics need consultation good therapist and sexologist. Doctors explain that it is impossible to draw self-esteem only from one source. Joys in life a lot, learn to eat them all. For example, periodically set about making himself off from all worries and spend it in the bedroom.
Known psychologist Vladimir Levy believes that the rest - work no less responsible than the work itself, and the man really knows how to work, and usually knows how to relax. You may have noticed that the celebrity interview talk not only about the creative plans, but what they have hobbies, they are now reading, which attended the premiere, which is prepared for dinner ...
The truly successful people have something to tell: they are working vigorously, and then just as vigorously to get rid of accumulated fatigue.
Full relaxation requires a special kind of occasions. Start to take care of it right now. Chronobiology, taking into account personal biorhythms, found that for most of us the most fruitful and sensual were Tuesday and Wednesday, September and February. So the heart and awaken the libido not only in the spring. Wait until next Tuesday - and do it!
"Any activity inhibits the highly sexy, - says sexologist Sergei Agarkov. - The more complex spiritual world of men, the selective erection. And when the head is stuffed with the imperatives of important issues, blocked the mechanism of sexual feelings. "
It turns out that there was an erection, a man, if I may say so, should a little gaga, reduce critical of myself.
They love: YOU OR PURSE?
By shifting all their time and energy to achieve this goal, a workaholic does not notice how gradually declining attraction to a woman who recently had been so beloved. In an effort to assert itself in the management of other people in the business, creative achievements, the man pushes the intimate life of the second plan.
It would seem that as soon as he receives a painful blow to the service-return to the bedroom to find solace in sex. But here lies in wait and trap. Sexual disorders are often accompanied by acute reaction to stress.
For many young men who made a successful career, there are problems with the level of sex hormones - the stress of responsibilities at work inhibits their production.
Especially difficult, oddly enough, in this sense, people of substance. Their problems were exacerbated original intimofobiya when they think: "They love not me, but my money." There is tension, mistrust, suspicion - and all that suppresses sexual desire.
And above all, sadly, sometimes suspicious about the fact that the favorite will only need their purse, untrue. Workaholic, being by nature a perfectionist, picks up her friend on the basis of whether or not it enough to look impressive next to him - and gets to escort prudent doll. Yes, and how to take the time to find a loving halves, when the interests revolve only around work? This climber is rarely in a circle of friends, where you can find a worthy companion.
TWO TIPS workaholic, How not to fall asleep during sex
1. In order to overcome inappropriate odolevshuyu drowsiness, try a few minutes before sex to actively engage in sports. Even simple exercises will add energy and strength to carry a pair of poses from the Kama Sutra "and will not zahrapet 5 minutes later.
2. Transfer the sex in the morning. In any male sex hormone, and higher energy at dawn.
Sociologists have noticed that recently many young people lose their libido due to incorrect installation received from his childhood: "Your duty - fully secure the future of the family." Lacking the financial capacity to start a career, young men for so long trying to material well-being that they have lost years when we could be happy in marriage. They would listen to the latest and the bitter recognition of the philosopher Kant, who has remained a bachelor: "When I needed a woman, I was not able to feed her, and when unable to feed her, she was not needed ...
Workaholics need consultation good therapist and sexologist. Doctors explain that it is impossible to draw self-esteem only from one source. Joys in life a lot, learn to eat them all. For example, periodically set about making himself off from all worries and spend it in the bedroom.
Known psychologist Vladimir Levy believes that the rest - work no less responsible than the work itself, and the man really knows how to work, and usually knows how to relax. You may have noticed that the celebrity interview talk not only about the creative plans, but what they have hobbies, they are now reading, which attended the premiere, which is prepared for dinner ...
The truly successful people have something to tell: they are working vigorously, and then just as vigorously to get rid of accumulated fatigue.
Full relaxation requires a special kind of occasions. Start to take care of it right now. Chronobiology, taking into account personal biorhythms, found that for most of us the most fruitful and sensual were Tuesday and Wednesday, September and February. So the heart and awaken the libido not only in the spring. Wait until next Tuesday - and do it!
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