Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The most frequent problems with the foot

This article discusses the 13 most common diseases of feet. Here you will find information about the main symptoms and treatment. However, if you suspect a disease should always consult a doctor. Particular caution should be applied to patients with diabetes mellitus.

Tendonitis (inflammation) Achilles tendon

* Irritation and inflammation of the tendon, which joins the back of the heel bone.

* Can be caused by insufficient warm-up before exercise or excessive physical exercise.

* Treatment: compress with ice, rest, aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

* Assess the severity of the physician.


* Offset big toe joint causing swelling and pain. Painful place gradually increases in size. The same pathology occurs sometimes on the little finger due to prolonged sitting with legs crossed. "Szyszko" on the little finger is sometimes called "bone tailor.

* The first joint of the big toe deviates outward, and the second - in the direction of the other fingers.

* Bursitis is inherited or acquired (as a result of wearing shoes with too narrow nose and toe).

* Most recommended surgery.

Calluses and corns

* Represents a layer of keratinized, dead skin. (A kind of pad on the skin in the area where the leg creates a high pressure or load).

* Usually the result of wearing a close or too loose footwear, and shoes with high heels. The most frequently appear on the thumb and little finger. Between the fingers may appear soft corns.

* The emergence of calluses and corns contribute to obesity, flat feet, speaking at the bones, gait disturbance, etc.

* In severe cases, should contact the orthopedic doctor.

* Pick up shoes on the leg. During the walk or sports wear thick socks. You can use special pads and other orthopedic devices. Surgical removal - an extreme measure.
* You can not cut calluses and corns yourself with a razor or knife.

Hammertoe toe (chirodactyly)

* There is a result of weakening of muscles that leads to bending the finger in a claw.

* The most common observed deformation of the second toe (usually due to the deviation of the thumb due to bursitis).

* Choose shoes and socks that do not compress the leg and did not exacerbate the strain.

* Facilitate the state will interdigital special inserts or pads. If no improvement is possible surgical intervention.

Heel pain / heel spurs

* The growth of bone on the plantar surface of the calcaneus (similar to the spike).

* Can accompanied by inflammation of the connective tissue on the sole.

* Possible causes of conditions - excess weight, arthritis, gout, blood circulation disturbances.

* Developed in a place where the tendon connects to the underside of heel bone. Subsequently obyzvestvitsya and can form a heel spur.

* Pressures on the ligaments can be weakened if the stretching exercises and wear suitable sports shoes.

* It may take alone. Helps also taking medication and wearing shoes with supinator.

* With the continuing strong pains appointed injections of steroid drugs and wearing the cast. Surgery is carried out only in the most severe cases.

Ingrown nails

* Ingrown nails - a painful ingrown nail corners or sides of the plate in the skin.

* The most common cause - the wrong haircut nails. In addition, the ingrowth nail lead squeezing fingers footwear, nail trauma, a fungal infection. An important role played by heredity and personality structure of the feet.

* The best prevention - proper grooming (nail should be cut evenly and not too short). Pick up a comfortable shoes, paying attention to the unpleasant sensations in the legs.

* Due to designer shoes, women 50% more likely than men to suffer from growing into nails.


Benign proliferation of nerve tissue that occurs most often between the third and fourth toes of the foot.

* Possible causes are: nerve irritation due to friction from the outside, trauma, increased pressure on the foot, improper footwear, individual features of the structure of the foot. When neuroma may be tingling, numbness, burning sensation. The pain can bring to the toes.

* Treatment: the wearing of a free shoe, use of orthopedic devices (pads, interdigital liners, etc.). Perhaps the appointment of injection of steroid hormones. Sometimes surgery is necessary.

Plantar fasciitis

* The offending, but slightly more pain in the soles.

* Usually it is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia - the connective tissue of the beam, which runs from the heel bone to the toes.

* Orthopedic or therapist will assess the seriousness of the disease and recommend special tabs for footwear.

* Full recovery usually occurs within six months or more.

* Treatment: physical therapy, injections of corticosteroids, superimposition of tires at night.

* For surgical intervention is rarely resort.

Plantar wart

* There is at the base and often looks like a callus. Grows inward. Maybe both single and multiple.

* The reason - a viral infection.

* When walking can cause severe pain.

* The difficulty is treatable, but the condition can be facilitated by applications of salicylic acid (sold without prescription).

* Possible medication (injections), burning with nitrogen, in rare cases is surgical removal.


* Disease sesamoid bones. These are two small bones located below the first metatarsal bone, tendons inside, bend the big toe in his first joint.

* Due to excessive physical stress these bones can become inflamed and break down.

* Treatment: rest, ice compresses for pain relief - ibuprofen.

* It is recommended to wear properly fitting footwear and the use of special orthopedic devices for the foot

Fatigue fracture (not to be confused with the usual fracture)

* Small crack in the bone.

* There are a result of overload.

* Quickly runs in a state of complete rest. As a precaution it is recommended to use the additional insoles.

* In the absence of treatment fatigue fracture can lead to this turning point, for the treatment of which would require the imposition of plaster immobilization (immobilization).

Fungal infections (mycoses)

* Most of the fungi are not dangerous as long as long as their arguments do not penetrate into the skin through the microcracks. If this occurs near the nail, it can happen exfoliation nail plate from the bed. Mycosis feet are very painful.
* As a result of fungus nail thickens and turns yellow or brownish. Pressure on the finger nail of the hardened or broken, can be very painful.
* Treatment: oral or external medications, surgical removal of the nail plate.
* Treatment of fungal infections cause long and can take anywhere from six weeks to six months.

Athlete's foot

Called by a fungus that most often affects the interdigital area.

* Fungus actively multiplies in warm, moist environment. The greatest danger of infection - in the pool, shower, locker rooms.
* For the prevention of the disease are wearing rubber slippers and wash your feet daily.
* Treatment: antifungal lotions for local external use, and sprays.
* In severe cases, when the local outdoor drugs do not help, appointed by the pill.
* The best way to treat the doctor chooses.
Rx Pennsylvania

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